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Join date: Sep 10, 2020
Welcome to my website! While you're snooping around here, allow me to introduce myself: I LOVE films! But if that isn't enough for you, I am a pretty hard working guy in my last semester at the University of Kansas in the Film and Media Studies department. I usually don't like writing essays, but since I paid good money for my own personal echo chamber, I'm going to make the most of it! So visit the concession stand or hit the bathroom one last time because the show is about to start!
- Crew MemberAn integral part of the team. Like an intern, but you actually get recognition!
- EditorThere are many types of editors in film. You happen to help with the blogs.
- DirectorYou call the shots...or just wave and point excitedly at things, your call.
Posts (4)

Mar 15, 2021 ∙ 2 min
The Maple Turkey-Bacon Donut of Film: Roman J. Israel, Esq.
After several months of not posting anything here, it feels appropriate that my latest review be about something that has lit the fire...

Nov 22, 2020 ∙ 2 min
The Art of Making a Film
If there is a more perfect film, I have yet to see it. The Art of Racing in the Rain is a cinematic masterpiece! Directed by Simon Curtis...
Sep 23, 2020 ∙ 3 min
Movies, Film, and Cinema: The Three Stages
Some people might say, "hey let's go to the movies!" Others could say, "I really liked that new film." Rarely does anyone say, "shall we...
Profile: Members_Page
Stuart Jenkins
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